I Got Into Grad School!!

Ordinary Adventures

Two weeks ago I wrote this post about my long journey on finally applying to a graduate program. I have been checking my mail box, biting my nails, and wringing my hands everyday, needing to know if I will be starting my new academic adventure or not.

Well, at the end of this past work week, I went to Chipotle, frustrated from the day I just endured. As I stood in line, anticipating the burrito-y goodness that was awaiting me, I saw what looked like a spam email in my professional email inbox. Lots of capital letters, a parentheses, something, something “non-degree”. OH WAIT, that’s what I applied to.


“we are pleased to offer you admission for the Spring 2016 semester…”

Let the celebrations begin!
That night I spent hours picking the perfect schedule, searching “rate my professor”, applying for FAFSA, and squealing with delight. Almost four days later, I’m still…

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More Miniatures


Don Charisma

Further to Beauty And A Beat by PostModernJukebox, a reader suggested this one, which after listening to (at least thrice), I really really like :


Again I prefer this version to the “real” one … much more character here than the corporately bleached Lorde original 🙂

Music video by Scott Bradley, ‘Royals – (“Sad Clown With The Golden Voice” Version) – Lorde Cover’ (C) PostmodernJukebox 2013

The band:
Puddles the Clown – lead vocals
Robyn Adele Anderson & Cristina Gatti – backup vocals
Adam Kubota – bass
Allan Mednard – drums
Scott Bradlee – piano & arranger

Genre: Jazzy Pop

Enjoy !

Don Charisma

Resources & Sources

Unless otherwise stated everything here is (c) DonCharisma.org, all rights are reserved.
PMJ/YouTube Photo – what’s thought to be fair use, solely to promote this video


Comments are often welcomed, provided you can string a legible, relevant and polite sentence together. In…

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Slang in the 1850s (Snippets 42)

Windows into History

London Tower of London engraving by William Miller, 1832

In 1859, The Vulgar Tongue was published, written by Ducange Anglicus.  This is clearly a pseudonym, but the author’s real identity is unknown.  The book is subtitled A Glossary of Slang, Cant, and Flash Words and Phrases, Used in London, from 1839 to 1859.  A lot of the entries are simply cockney rhyming slang (in fact, this book is probably the most useful source for studying the early development of this form of slang), but more interesting in my opinion is the enormous variety of slang terms that have fallen out of usage nowadays (if any of these are familiar to anyone as still being in use, please comment below!)  Here is a selection of some choice slang from the early-mid 19th Century:

“Amputate your mahogany”: be off, be gone.
“Belcher”: a silk pocket handkerchief of striped pattern.
“Black Ointment”: pieces…

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3 Days 3 Quotes Challenge Day 2


Alright day three.


  1. Post 1 quote a day for 3 days
  2. Thank the blogger who nominated you
  3. Nominate 5 new bloggers each day of the challenge.


https://princessbrooke.wordpress.com/ Princess Brooke’s Blog

https://thelonelyauthorblog.wordpress.com/ The Lonely Author

http://rhythmandthedancer.org/ rhythmandthedancer

https://katemcclelland01.wordpress.com/about/ Kate McClelland

https://sevenstarhalo.wordpress.com/2015/11/08/hope-floats/ sevenstarhalo


“Nothing before, nothing behind steps of faith. Fall into the seeming void and the rock beneath,” anonymous

Thank you Vincent Wambua for the nomination. https://vincewambua.wordpress.com/


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Love, Passion and Content

Words dipped in Happiness

My three favorite words and why?  

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.



Love passion and content are my three favorite words, which I consider upon which our complete life is based. How? Let’s start spreading the magic of these words. Let’s move step by step, word by word to understand the completeness of ourselves, human beings.

LOVE:Love, being a four lettered word it spreads in all the four directions with care as the epicenter. Love can take you to any height of success and even to any depth of happiness. Love is not just a feeling, it is the feel, which can be seen in our eyes, smile and thoughts. LOVE always reminds us that whenever we are feeling LO (low), there are some people with whom we can always share…

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