You’ve Overcome

Karl's Blog


Years of strife within your life

Weaken most, but here you are to boast

You’ve cut the ties, to abuse and lies

Leaving him, you’ve shown strength within

You’re now your own

You’ve overcome

“You’ve Overcome” by Rellick
Image : Pinterest
Copyright © Rellick’s Writings/2006 all Rights Reserved

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The Falling Thoughts


One :-We are zero and God is one

Two :-He is wise and true

Three:- Call his name and you will be worry free

Four :-Your restless soul; he has a cure

Five :-Praise God while you are alive

Six :-There’s nothing in this universe that he can’t fix

Seven:-Don’t choose hell over heaven

Eight:- God is gracious and great

Nine :-If he is on your side, then everything will be fine

Ten :- 1 helped zero to become 10


© 2015 thefallingthoughts All Rights Reserved

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The Importance of Knowing Your Blog’s Genre.

Ordinary Adventures

Hello there readers!

Ever since my Q&A last week, this topic has been racing through my mind. I was planning on publishing this idea quite some time ago, but I wanted to buckle down and really put the effort and consideration in that this post deserves.

One reoccurring question I ran into a lot last week was bloggers asking for ideas to better their own blogs. I loved this, because I got to check out some lovely blogs and it was fun going through my own knowledge and creating ideas of how I could actually help. I wish I could do that everyday, but it’s extremely time consuming. I truly try my best to scour and look into all the site’s details and give the best advice I can concoct.

As I was combing through those blogs though, I realized one major hiccup in my plan to help. Not every blog that asked…

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Best Bars on the Upper West Side

Mary in Manhattan

Hi all! I wrote a post for Thirsty NYC on the best bars on the Upper West Side for different occasions – read below and check out the full article on

The Upper West Side has a serious spread of bars ­ but you have to know where to look. You can get mixed up in the likes of “Gin Mill,” but we wouldn’t want that (ping pong tables are sooooo college).

Here are the bars to look out for if you’re out on the Upper West:

The Chic Spot (The Dakota Bar)

Dakota Bar Upper West SidePhoto by Dakota Bar

Perfect for a girls’ night out, this wine and cocktail bar is chic and decorated like your “Dream House” Pinterest board. Small bites like the mini burgers and prosciutto­ wrapped blue cheese and pears are just the right size and easily shared over a “Love Potion Number Wine” cocktail.

Live Music (Prohibition

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By the Mighty Mumford


Brian, our Department Head,

We’ll all score a “hundred” he said…

Or he’ll not sign

That we’ve passed his line,

We take it over till we did!

It’s something rather new,

Before, we could all manage to…

Score enough

To get through the stuff,

But our boss, he, must do this too!

No one is pleased by the prospect,

That we’d be labeled a reject…

Some of us are old

And truth be told,

Some consider this thing suspect.

–Jonathan Caswell

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