More Photo Back Drop DIYs.

Ordinary Adventures

Not too long ago, I shared a post with you guys about creating your own photo back drops! You can see my process and post here. I’ve loved using these gorgeous and super simple backgrounds for all my photos lately. It really makes the quality and creative flare of my photography pop. During the first round, I only made three though and I’ve been on the look out for any more styles that would compliment my blog and ideas. While perusing through Target the other day, I ran into some lovely wrapping paper that I knew I needed as backgrounds. These sheets just couldn’t be passed by. So, I grabbed two more large white dry erase styrofoam boards, my tape and scissors, and of course, my new paper!

This weekend I sat down with all of that, and made two more pretty backdrops. I’m already in love with them…

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The Lonely Author

Normally, I try to post a poem on Thursday, however due to the holiday, I will post one today.


They buried Jessie’s older brother today

he just finished turning five

she never had a toy, tv, or internet

yet she’s grateful to be alive

her brother taught her one through ten

by counting her fragile ribs

now she smiles when her stomach growls

as Mama feeds the newborn in the crib

Jessie runs barefoot down a dirt road

in a tattered dress of white

with baby fed, Mama has only one concern

will Jessie eat tonight

According to the United Nations World Food Programme statistics, approximately 3.1 million children under the age of five die each year from hunger or poor nutrition.


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